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Microsoft Digital Workshop- Brownie Computer Expert

Virtual Event At Your Computer, CA, United States

Find some fun facts and build a travel guild using Bing, Bing Maps, and OneNote. Create a Thank you card using Word. Create a flyer with Word and Fresh Paint. […]

Microsoft Digital Workshop- Junior Digital Photographer

Virtual Event At Your Computer, CA, United States

Learn about the history of photography. Learn about the different types of photography Discover how a camera is built. Learn about different photo techniques. Edit your photos. Create a story […]

Event Series Speaker’s Bureau Club

Speaker’s Bureau Club

Virtual Event At Your Computer, CA, United States

To Register, Click Here! The Speaker's Bureau is a Girl Scout club that meets once per month. It is focused on improving girls' public speaking skills through professional development and […]

December 2020 PSM Webinar

Virtual Event At Your Computer, CA, United States

*Monthly Webinar for PSMs, LSMs, and Program Volunteers* This meeting will be similar to our last meeting as we will be having more of a learning discussion as a group […]


Sunnyvale, CA | Girl Scouts Welcome Troop

Calling all Sunnyvale girls in grades K - 1! You are invited to attend our Girl Scouts Welcome Troop Your girl will try out a Girl Scout meeting while we […]


Microsoft Digital Workshop- Cadette Digital Movie Maker

Virtual Event At Your Computer, CA, United States

Learn about cinematography careers. Discover filming techniques. Learn about the 180-degree rule. Learn about camera movement and framing. Create a storyboard. Edit your five-minute movie. Register Here!