Stay up late and tell constellation stories as we watch the skies for one of the most beautiful meteor showers of the year! We'll make some tasty treats over the campfire and spend the night under the stars at Camp Butano Creek. This event is intended for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors. All levels will earn […]
Ready to be a real glow getter? Join us as we aim for the stars at our camp archery range in the dark! Participants will also stay up late to examine the night sky in this de-light-ful program. Cadettes will fulfill their Archery and Night Owl badge requirements upon completion on this moonlit adventure. Please […]
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity for you and your troop to reach out and show others that you care—especially those who may be alone on a day that’s all about connection! For our second year, Girl Scouts of the USA is teaming up with Wish of a Lifetime from AARP, an organization dedicated to celebrating […]
Calling all future babysitters! This program is great for Girl Scouts who want to start their own babysitting business! In this program, participants will learn playtime Ideas for children of all ages. Learn troubleshooting techniques and solutions to the most common problems a babysitter faces. And most important of all, how to change a diaper! […]
Calling all future babysitters! This program is great for Girl Scouts who want to start their own babysitting business! In this program, participants will learn playtime Ideas for children of all ages. Learn troubleshooting techniques and solutions to the most common problems a babysitter faces. And most important of all, how to change a diaper! […]
Come join us on Zoom while we do wacky science experiments right in your own home using everyday kitchen supplies, and earn your Home Scientist Badge! Registration closes 1/16. Register at
Girl Scouts Give Back: Honoring our Everyday Changemakers Small acts of kindness and gratitude can have an incredible impact on your community! And through this national service project, inspired by the Becoming Me program series, Girl Scouts can pay it forward by recognizing the people in their communities who have supported them in finding their unique paths. […]
Letter Writing Service Project Girl Scouts Give Back: Letter-Writing Service Project The idea is simple: girls write letters to people in nursing homes, senior residences, and assisted living facilities, including the dedicated staff and caregivers. This long-distance hug is a way to share your good thoughts with these vulnerable and loved community members. Here’s how […]
Come exchange your gently used clothing with other teen Girl Scouts. Extra clothes will be donated to those in need. All sizes will be represented. Please Note: For 8th grade and up. Please bring at least 3 items of clothing, there is no maximum--the more the better! Snacks will be available but lunch will […]
Get hyped for Cookie Season! Learn how to run your own business, interact with customers, and how to use the profits! Fee includes badge to be sent out after event. Registration for this virtual event closes 2/8/22. Register at #cookiefun
Get hyped for Cookie Season! Learn how to run your own business, interact with customers, and how to use the profits! Registration for this virtual event closes 2/8/2022. Register for this event at #cookiefun
Join us to earn the NEW Cookie Market Research Badge virtually! At the virtual Cadette Cookie Market Research badge series, participants will dive deep into what makes Girl Scouts cookies special by doing a blind taste test and developing a top-notch marketing plan the way the professionals do it! At the end of this 2-part […]
Join us to earn the NEW Cookie Market Research Badge virtually! At the virtual Cadette Cookie Market Research badge series, participants will dive deep into what makes Girl Scouts cookies special by doing a blind taste test and developing a top-notch marketing plan the way the professionals do it! At the end of this 2-part […]
We love getting fresh air! Join us for a wonderful hike underneath a canopy of redwood trees at Camp Butano Creek. We will be learning and practicing the 7 principles of leave no trace and enjoying a day in nature! Patch included. Registration opens mid November
Earn a whole Journey in a Day! Juniors, join us at Bothin as we learn what it means to be a true scientist and investigate the world around us. They'll be participating in a series of games, activities, and discussions all focused around helping them hone their curious minds and apply the scientific method in […]
Come join us for a day of fun and crafts that will inspire a newfound love for bugs and their lives! We and your fellow girl scout Daisies & Brownies will be able to explore the lives of the tiny critters and awesome creatures!
“Travel” with us through Zion National Park, on the western United States’ natural beauties- all from the comfort of our couch! We will learn about this parks most popular sightseeing opportunities and best practices for camping with your troop.
All Girl Scouts 6th grade and above are invited to attend Basic Program Aide training on their way to completing the steps of the Program Aide Award. Basic PA Training involves learning to lead youth in a variety of situations and learn the essentials for planning programs of their own! Participants will put their new […]
Earning a STEM Journey badge doesn't have to be stressful. Join the Kodely team as they provide a Jumpstart to the Think Like a Programmer Journey for Seniors. Scouts will learn how programmers use computational thinking to solve problems, prototype real-world solutions for design challenges, and work with our team of instructors to brainstorm for […]
Join us for a fun weekend camp where we will explore the Wizarding World. We will do lots of activities including: potions, make our own wands, quill pens, play Quidditch, outdoor cooking, and so much more! All participants will earn a badge. Brownies will earn their Eco Friend Badge, Juniors will earn their Eco Camper Badge, and Cadettes will […]