Livermore, CA|Welcome Troop
Calling all Livermore girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop
Calling all Livermore girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop
Calling all Oakland, Piedmont, Emeryville girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop
Calling all Castro Valley and Hayward girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop
Calling all Fremont, Newark, and Union City girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop
Calling all San Leandro and San Lorenzo girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop
Calling all Alameda girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop
Girls in grades K-3: Get started in Girl Scouts in San Jose by joining the Branham/Almaden Welcome Troop! To learn more and sign up for one free meeting, go to […]
Saratoga girls grades K-3: Get started in Girl Scouts in Saratoga by joining the Saratoga Welcome Troop! To sign up for a free meeting, visit our Eventbrite page here. What […]
Girls in grades K-3: Get started in Girl Scouts in Palo Alto by joining the Palo Alto Welcome Troop! To sign up for your first free meeting, visit our Eventbrite […]
Calling all Milpitas girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop To sign up for this event, visit our Eventbrite page […]
Calling all Santa Clara girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop To sign up for this event, visit our Eventbrite […]
Calling all South San Jose girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop To sign up for this event, visit our […]
Calling all Campbell and W San Jose girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop To sign up for this event, […]
Calling all Evergreen girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop To sign up for this event, visit our Eventbrite page […]
Calling all Berryessa and Alum Rock girls in grades K - 3! You are invited to join our virtual Girl Scouts Welcome Troop To sign up for this event, visit […]
Learn about the history of photography. Learn about the different types of photography Discover how a camera is built. Learn about different photo techniques. Edit your photos. Create a story […]
Families from Santa Clara County: Join us to discuss how Girl Scouts of Northern California can support the girl in YOUR life! To register, visit our Eventbrite listing here. During […]
Families from Santa Clara County: Join us to discuss how Girl Scouts of Northern California can support the girl in YOUR life! To register, visit our Eventbrite listing here. During […]
To Register, Click Here! The Speaker's Bureau is a Girl Scout club that meets once per month. It is focused on improving girls' public speaking skills through professional development and […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 3 from Antioch, CA! Join our starter troop where girls will participate in virtual troop meetings, while parents learn how to run a Girl […]