Calling all girls in grades K- 5 from West Redding and outlying towns of Shasta, Igo, Ono, and French Gultch, including Cypress, Grant, Juniper, Manzanita, Sequoia, St Joseph, Sycamore, Old […]
Bring your family and friends, and hope for all the horizontal, diagnol, and vertical squares in a row! We will be playing with Girl Scout themed vocabulary, so it is […]
An informal weekly coffee chat for any interested parents, new leaders, or interested leaders. This is a time to chat with Girl Scout staff that serves San Mateo County. Register […]
Families from Santa Clara County: Join us to discuss how Girl Scouts of Northern California can support the girl in YOUR life! To register, visit our Eventbrite listing here. During […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 3: You are invited to dance like your favorite animal and learn how Girl Scouts can supercharge your life! View details and register for […]
Calling all girls in kindergarten at Matthew Turner; Benicia, CA: Join as we experience Girl Scouts! To register, visit our Eventbrite page here This is for families who have […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 3 from Antioch, CA! Join our starter troop where girls will participate in virtual troop meetings, while parents learn how to run a Girl […]
Calling all girls in Kindergarten from Coyote Creek Elementary, San Ramon, CA: Join as we experience Girl Scouts in our pajamas, and with our favorite cuddly toy! This is for […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 5 from the Del Norte County Area: You are invited to dance like your favorite animal and learn how Girl Scouts can supercharge your […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 5 from Hayfork and the greater Weaverville area including Lewiston, Junction City, Douglas City and Trinity Center: Join as we dance, laugh, and play […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 3: You are invited to dance like your favorite animal and learn how Girl Scouts can supercharge your life! View details and register for […]
Join us on November 4 or November 11 to explore fun camp-in activities that are at the heart of Girl Scouts. Experience some free Girl Scout indoor camping adventures with […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 3: You are invited to dance like your favorite animal and learn how Girl Scouts can supercharge your life! View details and register for […]
Calling all Kindergarten girls at Alamo Elementary: Join us as we experience Girl Scouts in our pajamas, and with our favorite cuddly toy! This is for families who have not […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 5 from northern Redding and Shasta Lake City, including Turtle Bay School, Buckeye School of the Arts, Rocky Point, Redding STEM, Shasta Lake School, […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 3: You are invited to dance like your favorite animal and learn how Girl Scouts can supercharge your life! View details and register for […]
Put your noggins together and generate words as a family team! We will use GS pillars such as "outdoors" and "leadership"Please Note:Bring paper and a pen
Calling all families of girls in Los Altos, CA: Join us to learn more about Girl Scouts. We’ll take some time to answer any questions you may have and discuss […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 3: You are invited to dance like your favorite animal and learn how Girl Scouts can supercharge your life! This is for families who […]
Calling all girls in grades K- 3: You are invited to dance like your favorite animal and learn how Girl Scouts can supercharge your life! View details and register for […]