These monthly, 30-minute informal drop-in sessions on the 2nd Mondays at 6.30 pm are designed as additional support for Troops working on their Bronze Award. These drop-in sessions are part of gsCommunity Bronze Award Space support and are volunteer led. If you are not in the Bronze Award space in gsCommunity, three quick steps is […]
Extended Troop Travel is required of at least one adult for a trip of 3 nights or longer, a national or international trip. This volunteer will need to attend the trip and be involved in the planning process with the girls. You will gain from the experience of seasoned Girl Scout travelers, and receive valuable tips on planning […]
Register here DoorDash, supply chain, Initial Order, booths, cupboards, and more! Join us for key program elements and messaging, what’s new, and Q&A. This session is designed for returning troop leaders and cookie volunteers. The same information will also be offered at the December 17th session of the SU Volunteer Cookie Program Kickoff.
Register here New to Cookies? No problem! We’ve got you covered! This session is designed for all new troop leaders and cookie volunteers. We'll share program basics, tips and tricks, resources, and review your support sources along the way throughout the program.
Adult and Pediatric Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED (Blended Learning) - Session 1 This online course will prepare you to recognize and care for emergencies. The course features award-winning simulation learning an interactive experience where you will respond to real-world emergencies in a virtual setting to help prepare you to recognize and respond to a variety […]
Discover the adventure and wonder of travel! Hear from girls who have participated in both local and international Girl Scout Destinations trips, learn about the travel opportunities available to you as a Girl Scout, and get inside tips on how to pay for your travels. It’s time to discover where in the world Girl Scouts […]
Adult and Pediatric Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED (Blended Learning) - Session 2 This online course will prepare you to recognize and care for emergencies. The course features award-winning simulation learning an interactive experience where you will respond to real-world emergencies in a virtual setting to help prepare you to recognize and respond to a variety […]