Calling all future babysitters! This program is great for Girl Scouts who want to start their own babysitting business! In this program, participants will learn playtime Ideas for children of all ages. Learn troubleshooting techniques and solutions to the most common problems a babysitter faces. And most important of all, how to change a diaper! […]
To Register, Click Here! The Speaker's Bureau is a Girl Scout club that meets once per month. It is focused on improving girls' public speaking skills through professional development and collaboration. Girls will be trained as moderators for events such as Exec Connect, serve as role models, and will have opportunities to speak at donor […]
Tajar’s Treehouse is our virtual summer program for all girls entering K-5th grade. You do not have to be a Girl Scout to register. In fact, it is a really great way to explore the variety of programming GSNorCal offers in a hands on, interactive way. There is no zooming-out or sitting in your seats in our sessions! Sign up for an info session to learn more.
Though we won't be able to see each other in-person this year for Golden Gate Bridging, we can still find ways to connect with one another! Join us for an afternoon of swapping stories, favorite San Francisco sightseeing adventures, and end with the tried and true tradition of forming one of the longest friendship circles […]
Do your feet start to tap when you hear a great song? Get ready to jump up and move to the beat in this badge workshop! You'll stretch and do fun warm-up's, learn beginner ballet moves and positions, and practice to music! Brownies will earn their Dancer Badge. Daisies will earn a Fun Patch. **Please […]