Work on your hand sewing skills as you make this adorable sugar cookie ornament to hang, or just to have because it’s so cute! Choose between a few different cookie shapes, then use beads and stitches to make the colorful sprinkles. Fill it with fluffy stuffing and take them home to love forever, or give […]
Sew an old sweater into a cozy bed to keep your furry kitty or doggy friend comfy! We’ll learn how to use the running stitch and whip stitch in this fun upcycling project. Complete 2 steps of the Pets Badge and earn a Camp Fashionista fun patch in this fun community service project! Participants need […]
Night Out for Daisies, Brownie, & Juniors (Optional Overnight for Juniors) Attention Girl Scouts - join Girl Scouts for a night of fun and earn a badge, with this girl-led night out hosted by Cadette Troop 60879. Attention Parents - have a free night (or possible overnight) just before the Holidays! Location: Girl Scouts Rainbow's […]
The Girl Scouts of Northern California are invited to the enjoy one of San Jose’s longest dance traditions, as San Jose Dance Theatre returns to the stage this December with The Nutcracker! Use promo code GSNUTCRACKER24 can save 10%! Performances run Dec. 6-8 and Dec. 13-15 at the Center for the Performing Arts, 255 Almaden […]
Learn the chain, single crochet, and slip stitch as you crochet a friendship bracelet with yarn and beads of your choice! This is going to be so much fun! For ages 8 and up Everyone gets a Camp Fashionista fun patch! To register for this event visit: Questions? Email: or call […]
If you love drawing fashion and really want to improve your skills, then this is the workshop for you! Experiment with different mediums like colored pencils, markers and glitter gel pens, as you master shading techniques. We will show you some tips on perspective, and then you’re ready to draw your girl on the runway […]
Girls will learn methods for creating Anime style characters and bring them to life in a unique 4 panel comic story! Guided by an Anime trained artist, girls will learn how to draw those big shiny eyes, fun hairstyles and cute outfits. Creative thinking and storytelling techniques will enable girls to complete a unique comic […]
Work on your hand sewing skills as you make this adorable mug of hot cocoa to use as a pincushion, or just to have because it’s so cute! Choose between different colors for the mug, then give it a cute expression of your choice. Fill it with fluffy stuffing and take it home to love […]