We love bridging and we love ziplines and high ropes so why not combine them?! Join us for a bridging experience in the treetops unlike any other. As you zip from one platform to the other you will bridge to the next Girl Scout level! Girl Participant lunch, your bridging patch, and more are included! Adult observers interested in purchasing a lunch should fill out Zipline Bridging! Adult Lunch Form.
This event welcomes those bridging this year to Cadette, Senior, Ambassador, or Adult and those who would have bridged in the past two years but missed out on an in-person experience. There will be a viewing and photography platform for parents/guardians. Adults may also drop off Girl Scouts at this event and pick them up afterwards.
Lunch will be a bag lunch, please reach out if you have any dietary restrictions: lfialkow@gsnorcal.org
This event will take place at Mount Hermon Adventures in Felton, CA.
Please select the 2-hour timeslot that you’d like to complete the high ropes and zipline course. You can sign up as a troop or individually but each timeslot can support 10 Girl Scouts only.
Date and Times: Saturday, May 7th, 2022
*Break in between morning and afternoon tours*
Register here: https://girlscoutsnorcal.doubleknot.com/event/zipline-bridging/2897985