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Crossroads World Thinking Day 2025
What is World Thinking Day?
A celebration of international friendship led by Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the World
Kindergarten Daisy Girl Scouts . . . . . . . . . You are invited to come and attend the event
1st Grade Daisy and Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pick a country and sponsor a fun booth and activity
What Is A Booth?
A craft, display, and/or activity that completes one of the steps for our special “Hidden Holidays” badge.
Duplication among countries and badge steps will be limited
If your troop is small, consider creating a booth with another troop
Troops must plan to serve about 100-200 participants during the event.
When: Sunday, March 23
Where: Shannon Community Center (11600 Shannon Ave. Dublin)
Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm (set up begins at 2 pm)
Cost: $12 per person (Cost includes admission, snacks, activities, event fun patch and badge)
Register by February 28th!
EVERYONE attending must be a registered Girl Scout.
Troops must follow adult to girl safety ratios.
Questions? Contact Lei Zhao at or 925-336-0479 (cell/text)
Cancellation Policy: No cancellation or refunds
Registration Directions
Participants names and emergency contact.
Fill out all of the above information on this Cheddar Up and checkout. No cancellations or refunds.
Please register as a troop. Troops must follow GSNorCal Safety Wise adult-to-girl ratios. All adults who are providing supervision must be registered and background-checked Girl Scouts who have completed the necessary GSNorCal trainings (i.e., GSNorCal Mandated Reporter Course, Safety-Wise, and Girl Scout Program).
Juliettes (individually registered Girl Scouts) must register an adult chaperone.
Please bring: