“Let’s Be Our Future!” At Voices for Change 2023, Girl Scouts will embark on an action packed day at beautiful Camp Bothin. They will work towards earning the Space Science Badge, learn about how to be a National Delegate for Girl Scouting, and participate in a Mock Convention to sharpen their debate skills. Girl Scouts will discover how important their voices are, how they can make a difference, and how they can advocate for themselves and others.
For Girl Scouts grades 6-12 and their adult chaperones. This is not a drop-off program.
Registration open now: https://gsnorcal.doubleknot.com/openrosters/ViewActivitySpaceAvailable.aspx?orgkey=2343&activitykey=2969410
Cost: $25 per youth participant, $15 per adult
Please Note: Friday night is NOT a program day, it is intended as an option for Girl Scouts who are coming from out of the area. There is a $5 fee for early arrival. Girl Scouts arriving on Friday night will be responsible for bringing or acquiring their own dinner in the surrounding area.
On Saturday, breakfast and lunch will be provided.